Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Pindad Komodo Halilintar 4×4: Rantis Spesialis Pendobrak Sat-81/Gultor Kopassus

Urusan dobrak mendobrak memang jadi santapan pasukan penyerbu, untuk itu bekal rantis yang jadi tunggangan harus punya kelincahan tinggi dan dilengkapi elemen pelindung yang memadai. Untuk urusan satu ini, Sat-81/Gultor Kopassus memang rajanya, selain menggunakan rantis P1 Pakci, pasukan baret merah ini juga mengadopsi rantis Halilintar buatan PT Pindad.
Halilintar dengan penggerak 4×4 masuk dalam keluarga rantis Komodo. Hanya saja, Halilintar punya perbedaan ‘prinsip’ rancangan dengan Komodo Intai 4×4 yang dipakai Yonif Mekanis 203/AK. Halilintar dari segi tampilan lebih panjang, karena berlaku juga sebagai APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier) yang mampu dimuati delapan pasukan bersenjata lengkap. Namun, lain dari itu, Komodo Halilintar menganut model monokok (tanpa sasis), beda dengan Komodo Intai 4×4 yang mencomot sasis rantis asal Perancis Renault Sherpa. Masuk ke dalam unit Kopassus, Komodo Halilintar juga mengalami perkuatan pada kaki-kakinya.
Sosok rantis ini cukup sering ditampilkan dalam beragam perhelatan, Sat-81/Gultor menjadikan Komodo Halilintar sebagai salah satu andalan kendaraan serbu untuk perang urban. Sebagai rantis pendobrak, Halilintar punya alat pendobrak (battering ram), ciri khasnya Halilintar dibekali bumper masif berbentuk segitiga sebagai pendobrak rintangan atau dinding tanpa tulang setebal 30 cm.
Guna menghantarkan pasukan khusus ke hotspot, rantis ini dilengkapi fasilitas tangga lipat di atas untuk penyerbuan gedung atau di pesawat. Keberadaan fasilitas tangga lipat ini mengingatkan pada rantis Oka 4×4 Assault Ladder yang juga dipakai Sat-81/Gultor. Hebatnya tangga lipat ini dapat digelar dalam kondisi kendaraan sedang melaju dengan lima personel siap tempur.
Komodo Halilintar dapat mengangkut delapan personel bersenjata lengkap, posisi duduk awak saling berhadapan ditambah dua kursi di ruang kemudi. Sementara di atas atas (roof hatch) depan terdapat dudukan senjata untuk senapan mesin atau pelontar granat otomatis. Sebagai rantis untuk misi kombatan, Komodo Halilintar tak lupa dibekali pelontar granat asap, masing-masing empat buah pada sisi kiri dan kanan depan.
Hadir untuk kebutuhan Kopassus, Komodo Halilintar disokong perangkat canggih seperti kamera pendeteksi panas (thermal camera) untuk mendeteksi gerakan berdasarkan suhu tubuh dan sumber panas. Juga ada kamera night vision untuk operasi senyap dalam pekatnya malam. Bergaya ala APC, Halilintar dilengkapi empat kamera intai CCTV, sehingga komandan mampu melihat situasi sekitar tanpa perlu turun dari kendaraan.
Untuk perlindungan, sekujur bodi Komodo Intai sanggup menahan terjangan proyektil 7,62 mm (STANAG III). Bahkan lapisan baja dapat diperkuat dengan sistem add on keramik lapis baja. Sementara untuk lapisan kaca, punya ketebalan 38 mm, dibuat standar dengan mampu menahan proyektil 7,62 mm.
Sebagai kelengkapan standar, Komodo Intai dilengkapi winch dengan kemampuan tarik 2 ton. Lainnya ada pioneer set, alat pemadam kebakaran, penyejuk udara, tookit , sampai jaring kamuflase. Sebagai fitur tambahan, ada perangkat komunikasi AM, FM Radio dan Intercom Set ; 2x12V-100 Amp baterai) , GPS, dan NVG. Untuk persenjataan, bila pilihannya senapan mesin GPMG kaliber 7,62 mm, maka dapat disokong teknologi RCWS ( Remote Control Weapon System). (Gilang Perdana)

Spesifikasi Pindad Komodo Halilintar 4×4:
– Konfigurasi: 4×4
– Dimensi: 5,4x 2,2 x 2,1 meter
– Wheelbase: 3.540 mm
– Berat kosong: 7.500 kg
– Berat penuh: 9.000 kg
– Ground clearance: 375 mm
– Mesin: Diesel Sherpa MD-5 Euro 3 dengan empat silinder Turbo Charge Inter Cooler
– Transmisi: Allison S2500 automatic – 5 forward/1 reserve
– Pendingin mesin: Hydraulic Drive Cooling Fan
– Jenis ban: Runflat 13R 22.5
– Brake system: Hyrdopneumatic Control Disk Brake
– Kecepatan maks: 100 km per jam
– Radius putar: 7 meter
– Kapasitas bahan bakar: 165 liter
– Jarak jelajah maks: 450 km

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

Oktober, Indonesia Punya "Blueprint" Pertahanan Cyber

Menkominfo Rudiantara
Menkominfo Rudiantara
Pemerintah berencana menyelesaikan blueprint sistem pertahanan cyber Indonesia pada Oktober mendatang. Cetak biru tersebut akan digunakan sebagai sebuah acuan nasional bagi sektor-sektor pemerintah non-militer.
Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika (Menkominfo) Rudiantara mengatakan ada sekitar enam hingga delapan sektor yang dijadikan prioritas dalam rancangan keamanan cyber tersebut. Diantaranya adalah soal transportasi, kelistrikan, perbankan, keuangan, gas dan air.
“Oktober nanti konsep lebih detil dan komperehensif soal cyber security sudah selesai. Bentuknya berupa blueprint atau roadmap,” ujarnya saat ditemui di sela-sela Indonesia Cyber Security Summit, Senin (24/8/2015).
“Cyber security itu ada defense dan non-defense. Fokusnya Kemenkominfo adalah sektor non-defense, yaitu terkait public utilities. Misalnya di sektor perbankan saja, kalau ada masalah dengan ATM maka yang akan kena bukan cuma kita tapi bisa ke perbankannya sendiri. Begitu juga soal kelistrikan, transportasi, dan lainnya,” imbuh Chief RA, sapaan akrabnya.
Dalam proses pembentukan standar keamanan itu, pemerintah akan mengajak berbagai pemangku kepentingan baik dari kalangan bisnis, akademisi, atau praktisi.
Selain itu, pemerintah akan melihat dari berbagai negara yang sudah lebih dulu memiliki pertahanan cyber, lalu mengadopsi dan menyesuaikannya dengan konten lokal Indonesia.
“Kan di negara lain kita bisa liat misal di perbankan menerapkan cara seperti apa, lalu kita adopsi dan sesuaikan dengan konten lokal. Nantinya kita keluarkan ke masing-masing sektor, misalnya koordinasi energi dengan ESDM, lalu menangani masalah keuangan dan perbankan dengan OJK,” terang Chief RA.

Pindad Komodo Intai 4×4: Reptil Lapis Baja Yonif Mekanis 203/AK Kodam Jaya

Kombinasi deployment infanteri dan ‘kehadiran’ kavaleri memunculkan pembentukan Batalyon Infanteri (Yonif) Mekanis. Sebagai satuan modern untuk tugas-tugas spesifik di masa depan, Yonif Mekanis TNI AD digenjot dengan kelengkapan alutsista papan atas, selain bekal panser Anoa 6×6, Yonif Mekanis juga diproyeksi dengan kehadiran ranpur roda rantai, sebut saja lewat tipe APC M113 A1 dan IFV Marder 1A3.
Meski proyeksi Yonif Mekanis TNI AD cukup mumpuni, namun untuk gelar satuan yang ada di sekitaran Jakarta, tepatnya di bawah kendali Kodam Jaya, disiapkan dengan pasangan rantis intai 4×4 dan beragam varian panser Anoa 6×6. Ketiga satuan Yonif Mekanis pengguna Anoa 6×6 adalah Yonif Mekanis 201/Jaya Yudha, Yonif Mekanis 202/Tajimalela dan Yonif Mekanis 202/Arya Kamuning. Ketiga Yonif Mekanis berada di bawah Brigade Infanteri-1 PIK/Jayasakti, Kodam Jaya. Ketiga Yonif Mekanis disatukan dengan kesamaan menggunakan Anoa 6×6, tapi ada perbedaan dalam adopsi rantis intai lapis baja 4×4.
Yonif Mekanis 201 dan Yonif Mekanis 202 menggunakan rantis lapis baja 4×4 Elang. Sementara Yonif Mekanis 203 mengadopsi rantis lapis baja Komodo Intai (Recon) 4×4. Antara Elang dan Komodo Intai, sekilas punya bodi yang serupa dan sama-sama dibuat oleh PT Pindad. Meski sama-sama berlapis baja, keduanya punya beberapa perbedaan jika dilihat lebih dalam. Dan di tulisan ini, kami kupas terlebih dahulu tentang Komodo Recon 4×4. Dari beragam varian Komodo, tipe Intai 4×4 diluncurkan pada ajang Indo Defence 2014.
Kendaraan intai Yonif Mekanis ini bisa dibilang “Komodo Indo,” pasalnya Komodo varian intai ini berasal dari sentuhan lokal dan luar negeri. Bila varian Komodo lain hadir dengan rancangan monokok, alias tanpa sasis, maka Komodo Intai Yonif Mekanis menggunakan sasis lengkap dengan mesin dan drivetrain tanpa bodi (rolling chassis) dari Renault Sherpa. Untuk Renault Sherpa sendiri, juga sudah digunakan oleh Arhanud TNI AD sebagai platform peluncur rudal MANPADS Mistral. Komodo varian intai ini tampil dengan bodi bongsor, namun cukup kekar dan perkasa. Rantis ini sudah operasional sebagai elemen utama Yonif Mekanis 203/Arya Kamuning, melengkapi beragam varian panser Anoa 6×6.
Dengan basis rantis Sherpa, Komodo Intai yang dilengkapi dudukan senapan mesin dan pelontar granat ini, punya dimensi 5,65 x 2,25 x 2,1 meter. Bobot tempurnya mencapai 7,3 ton, dan bobot kosong 5,8 ton. Komodo Intai disokong mesin diesel Renault 4 Turbo Charger Inter Cooler Transmission 4 Stroke Inline; 6 Cylinders; 215 PS pada 2500 rpm. Dengan kapasitas bahan bakar hingga 200 liter, rantis dengan ground clearance 440 mm ini mampu menjelajah sejauh 450 km. Kecepatan maksimum bisa dikebut sampai 100 km per jam. Untuk radius putar, mencapai 7 meter.
Untuk perlindungan, sekujur bodi Komodo Intai sanggup menahan terjangan proyektil 7,62 mm (STANAG III). Bahkan lapisan baja dapat diperkuat dengan sistem add on keramik lapis baja. Sementara untuk lapisan kaca, punya ketebalan 38 mm, dibuat standar dengan mampu menahan proyektil 7,62 mm.
Sebagai kelengkapan standar, Komodo Intai dilengkapi winch dengan kemampuan tarik 2 ton. Lainnya ada pioneer set, alat pemadam kebakaran, penyejuk udara, tookit , sampai jaring kamuflase. Sebagai fitur tambahan, ada perangkat komunikasi AM, FM Radio dan Intercom Set ; 2x12V-100 Amp baterai) , GPS, dan NVG. Untuk persenjataan, bila pilihannya senapan mesin GPMG kaliber 7,62 mm, maka dapat disokong teknologi RCWS ( Remote Control Weapon System). Tak sulit untuk melakukan modifikasi senjata pada rantis ini, sebab dudukan senjata memang dibuat secara modular. Total jumlah pesanan Komodo Intai untuk TNI AD mencapai 40 unit. (Gilang Perdana)

Spesifikasi Komodo Intai 4×4spek-1spek-2

Pengukuhan Para Raider 330

Para Raider 330 Para Raider 330

Pasukan TNI Elit baru yaitu Para Raider 330 secara resmi dibentuk, Minggu (23/8/2015) kemarin oleh Mentri Pertahanan RI. Sebanyak 650 anggota disematkan sebagai pasukan Para Raider dengan 3 tingkat kemampuan lebih dari raider biasa.
Pasukan TNI dari Batalyon Infantri lintas udara 330 Tri Dharma Kostrad, hari kemarin menggelar latihan terakhir untuk menjadi pasukan Para Raider Yonif Linud 330. Latihan tersebut digelar di hutan Pantai Cijeruk, Kabupaten Garut, diikuti oleh 650 personil TNI dari seluruh kesatuan Kostrad di Indonesia.
Pada latihan terakhir pasukan melumpuhkan musuh yang bersembunyi disebuah gedung, selain digempur dengan pasukan darat, pasukan udara dengan helikopter pun ikut membantu menyerbu Camp musuh. Nampak terjadi kontak senjata, pasukan Para Raider akhirnya berhasil menyudutkan musuh dan untuk melumpuhkan pasukan musuh terpaksa meledakan camp musuh dengan menggunakan TNT.
Menteri Pertahanan RI, Ryamizard Ryacudu, yang menyematkan pasukan TNI elit baru tersebut bersama masyarakat menyaksikan secara langsung seluruh rangkaian latihan terakhir bersama masyarakat. Tepuk tangan tak henti-henti saat pasukan elit baru tersebut memperagakan taktik perang hingga mampu menghancurkan camp musuh.
Usai menyaksikan latihan, Mentri Pertahanan, Ryamizard Ryacudu mengatakan pasukan TNI elit baru tersebut dibuat untuk menjaga keutuhan tanah air Indonesia. ”Mereka ditingkatkan kemampuannya 3 kali lipat dari Raider biasa bertujuan menjadi pasukan elit ke dua setelah Kopasus,” ujarnya, Minggu (23/8/2015) kepada wartawan.
Pasukan Para Raider tersebut melakukan latihan selama tiga bulan, setelah latihan terakhir hari ini pasukan elit baru akan kembali ke Batalyon 330. ”Latihannya bagus dan mereka akan kembali ke Batalyon, setelah tiga bulan berlatih disini,” pungkas Ryamizard.


Akhirnya Kapal Selam Amur Dibeli Juga

Kapal Selam Amur 1650 Kapal Selam Amur 1650
-Malaysia juga berminat terhadap kapal selam Amur-1650 buatan Rusia ini-
Maroko dan Rusia dikabarkan telah mendekati kesepakatan penjualan kapal selam Amur-1650 (proyek 677E). Kapal selam yang dikenal super senyap ini akan menjadi kapal selam pertama yang dimiliki negara kerajaan itu, ungkap laporan World Tribune.
Ria Novosti hari Sabtu 22 Agustus 2015 melaporkan kontrak diharapkan akan ditandatangani ketika kunjungan Raja Mohammed VI ke Moskow akhir tahun ini. Kedua negara telah melakukan pembicaraan dalam beberapa tahap sejak 2013 dengan nilai kesepakatan diperkirakan mencapai US$ 342 juta.
Pada acara DSA 2014 Internasional Arms Forum di Malaysia, Angkatan Laut Malaysia menyatakan minatnya untuk membeli kapal selam ini. “Komandan Angkatan Laut Malaysia mengunjungi display kami dan menyatakan minat terhadap kapal selam Amur-1650 kami,” kata juru bicara Rosoboronexport sebagaimana dikutip Rossiskaya Gazeta.
Kapal selam listrik diesel Amur-1650 dikembangkan oleh biro desain Rubin. Selain pembangkit listrik udara-independen, kapal selam ini dilengkapi dengan generator diesel reguler dan satu set akumulator.
Ketika di permukaan kapal selam akan menggunakan tenaga diesel-listrik, dan akumulator serta pembangkit listrik udara independen akan digunakan ketika menyelam. Dengan demikian, kapal selam jenis ini memiliki spesifikasi teknis seperti kapal selam bertenaga nuklir.
Dibandingkan dengan pendahulunya, kapal selam Amur-1650 mampu menembakkan enam rudal secara bersamaan dan memiliki sistem hidroakustik dengan sonar yang unik untuk mendeteksi target suara rendah pada berbagai jarak.
Fitur utama dari Amur-1650 adalah super senyap. Menurut para ahli, ketenangan kapal selam baru ini melebihi kapal selam dari kelas Varshavyanka (proyek 636) dan diyakini sebagai kapal selam paling tenang di dunia. Amur-1650 memiliki panjang 66,8 meter dan lebar 7,1 meter.
Ketika menyelam, kapal selam bisa mencapai kecepatan 21 knot (39 kmh) pada jarak 650 mil. Kapal selam itu bisa berada di kedalaman 250 meter. Persenjataannya termasuk 18 torpedo dan 10 rudal vertikal berbasis silo. [sputnik]


Tough Times Ahead for the Indonesian Navy?

Sejumlah Kapal Republik Indonesia (KRI) melakukan "Sailling Pass" saat peringatan HUT ke-69 TNI yang digelar di Dermaga Ujung, Koarmatim, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Selasa (7/10).
The Indonesian Navy may struggle to meet its Minimum Essential Force targets by 2024. A rethink may be needed.

By Koh Swee Lean Collin
Almost a year has elapsed since Indonesian President Joko Widodo revealed his Global Maritime Fulcrum vision. Since then, Jakarta has undertaken several initiatives aimed at fulfilling the five pillars of the vision: maritime culture, marine resources, maritime infrastructure and connectivity, maritime diplomacy, and maritime defense.
The last of these pillars is essentially an enabler of the other four pillars and not standalone. When Widodo came to power, he effectively inherited his predecessor’s legacy of modernizing the Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut, TNI-AL for short). The challenge is to continue and sustain that modernization.
Great Expectations
The contemporary TNI-AL modernization is inspired by the Minimum Essential Force Blueprint conceived over the 2010-24 timeline, executed in three strategic plans (rencana strategis in Bahasa Indonesia, or renstra for short). Renstra I (2010-14) was completed last year. Since then, the TNI-AL is at Renstra II, which runs up to 2019.
The end-state, going by the envisaged plan, is to create a greenwater TNI-AL by 2024 – a service that is balanced and capable of undertaking an array of missions within the immediate regional waters while having limited ability to project force into distant waters.
By 2024, the service is meant to comprise 274 vessels and 137 aircraft of various types. The former category is divided into the Combat Strike Group (110 vessels including 10-12 submarines, 56 frigates and corvettes, 26 missile- and 12 torpedo fast attack craft), the Patrol Group (66 patrol vessels), and a 98-vessel Support Force. The 137 aircraft include up to 35 maritime patrol aircraft.
Ever since Renstra I was kicked into motion, the TNI-AL has ridden the momentum of government support. In January 2013, then Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro announced plans to possibly reduce the renstras to two, aiming to fulfill MEF targets by 2019 instead of 2024. Buoyed by having achieved 28.7 percent of the MEF targets that year, Indonesian military authorities optimistically predicted in 2014 that 40-42 percent will be met by the time Renstra I is completed.
Renstra I (2010-14): “Renaissance” for the TNI-AL?
It would be imperative here to take stock of the gains made by the TNI-AL over Renstra I. Indeed, the period of 2010-14 marked a “renaissance” of sorts for the service following the significant acquisition programs (for example, SIGMA-90 corvettes, Makassar-class landing platform, docks, and Yakhont supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles) made in the preceding years. These new primary weapon systems (alutsista in Bahasa Indonesia) represent a stark contrast to the malaise suffered by the TNI-AL following the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997-98.
Notwithstanding derogatory comments about the lackluster progress of the TNI-AL modernization efforts, Renstra I did oversee oft-overlooked qualitative improvements to the alutsista Indonesia relies on for maritime defense.
For example, the PKR10514 (modified Dutch SIGMA-105) frigate is equipped with the VL-MICA, a vertically-launched air defense system that can destroy incoming high-performance aerial and missile targets at 20 kilometers. Suffice to say, prior to that, the TNI-AL relied on the Mistral SIMBAD/SADRAL that has only an effective 6-kilometer range. The PKR thus confers on the TNI-AL a real shipboard anti-air warfare capability for the first time.
In 2012, the TNI-AL was poised to revitalize its ageing undersea capability with the acquisition of three submarines from South Korea. A French-built naval research ship KRI Rigel equipped with an advanced autonomous underwater vehicle was commissioned in late 2014. Regrettably, it did not arrive in time to assist in the search and recovery of the ill-fated AirAsia QZ8501.
Other noteworthy qualitative improvements include the induction of new CN235 PATMAR maritime patrol aircraft and most recently AS-656MBe Panther anti-submarine helicopters – altogether representing a major enhancement to the long-underequipped TNI-AL Naval Aviation.
The Korps Marinir, Indonesia’s Marine Corps, undergoes mobility enhancement and mechanization with the purchase of new amphibious fighting vehicles from Russia and Ukraine, along with the construction of the indigenous Teluk Bintuni-class of landing ship, tank.
Size Matters
In all, despite the modest quantities of new alutsista procured, the TNI-AL has attained laudable qualitative improvements. The question remains whether the MEF targets, going by the current pace of modernization efforts, can realistically be met.
In July 2015, outgoing Indonesian military chief General Moeldoko admitted that the envisaged 40-42 percent of MEF targets could not be met. Instead, by the end of Renstra I only 34 percent had been attained. Moeldoko’s successor, General Gatot Nurmantyo is expected to boost this figure to 68 percent. However, this means ramping up expenditures.
In March this year, Moeldoko cautioned that defense expenditures, set at Rp102 trillion ($7.7 billion), will be increased to around Rp109 trillion by 2017 only if the economy grows by 7 percent. The sustainability of MEF is thus irrevocably contingent on sustained economic growth in order to reach its envisaged 2024 targets.
But time is conspiring against modernization efforts; the TNI-AL’s alutsista is aging. By 2008 (pre-Renstra I) about 74 percent of the alutsista optimized for maritime defense were aged 20 years or more, 15 percent between 11 and 19 years, and barely 11 percent counted as “young” – at 10 years or less. These figures had improved by the time Renstra I was completed, at 67 percent, 11 percent and 22 percent, respectively, in the fall of 2014.
It will be misleading to say that such improvements are attributed solely to Renstra I. In fact, results attained by the close of 2014 were in no small part due to the pre-Renstra I projects, for example the delivery of new SIGMA corvettes in 2007-10.
Buying Second-Hand?
Compounding the problem of aging equipment is also the issue of relying on second-hand procurements as the alternative. For example, by the time the three British-built Multi-Role Light Frigates originally intended for Brunei were delivered to the TNI-AL in late 2014, they were already past a decade old.
Certainly for a fiscally constrained Indonesia, new assets entail high costs, especially when procured overseas. The required fiscal, human and material investments are substantial, since it is not enough to just purchase platforms – the associated supporting infrastructure, logistics, and training are also essential.
This invariably limits the quantity that can be purchased at any one time. For instance, the TNI-AL has originally planned for a total of 40 SIGMAs to be procured by 2015. But as of 2014, the force size of this type had stalled at just four vessels. A pair of more capable PKR10514 only began construction in recent months.
However, the commonly used alternative approach of buying second-hands is not sustainable in the long run, as a result of age and the potential risk of accidents. Moreover, second-hand buys may come with a superficially attractive price tag but still entail “hidden costs.”
For example, Jakarta purchased 39 former East German warships at $468-million, but had to spend another $800 million on refurbishment and requisite supporting infrastructure. Other “hidden costs” include inflated operating expenditures. An Indonesian government audit conducted in 2007 found that the TNI-AL had squandered Rp64 billion in petroleum, oil, and lubricants consumption attributable to aging warships.
Newbuilds: Good to Have, Costly to Buy
To Jakarta’s credit, there have been conscious efforts to avoid buying second-hand, such as the rejection of used Libyan warships and Russian submarines because of their dubious operational conditions. However, given the MEF targets by 2024, Indonesia is caught between a rock and a hard place.
Some equipment has to be sourced from overseas, especially if it constitutes the core of the TNI-AL’s combat capability. “Big ticket” newbuilds such as frigates and submarines are clearly too expensive to purchase in significant quantities.
Procuring newbuilds through foreign or domestic sources require a considerable gestation period – at least five to eight years from the time an alutsista project is being conceived, a process involving negotiations, contracting, construction, and a mandatory series of equipment trials prior to final operational capability. Delays may stretch this timeline to a decade or more. The more complex the platform, the longer it takes.
This means that if one regards the results achieved by the end of Renstra I to be any indication, one-for-one alutsista replacement of existing MEF targets may prove to be too ambitious. New alutsista purchased during Renstra I may possibly meet in-service timelines within Renstra II. However, quantities inducted into service for such high-capability assets as frigates and submarines will leave much to be desired.
Rethinking and Recalibrating the MEF Targets?
To meet the original MEF targets, more substantial procurements will be needed during Renstra II. But the perennial problem boils down again to funding. To compound the problem, by the end of Renstra II in 2019 alutsista that were already more than 20 years old as of 2014 will have to be readied for retirement, whereas the process for block replacements will need to be initiated for those 11-19 years or less.
To accommodate the limited budget, long gestation periods for especially high-capability alutsista, problems of second-hand buys, and the limitations of Indonesia’s domestic industries, it may be worth rethinking and recalibrating the MEF targets to ensure that TNI-AL force goals are met by 2024.
The basic starting point would be to consider Indonesia’s maritime interests and corresponding naval force priorities. However, the current State Defense Policy 2014 (Kebijakan Pertahanan Negara Tahun 2014) essentially constitutes a “grab bag” of all conceivable challenges to Indonesia’s maritime interests – non-traditional threats such as illegal fishing, the South China Sea flashpoint, and so on.
An oft-suggested, straightforward solution will be to acquire the widest possible array of capabilities to cope with such a broad spectrum of security challenges. But this is scarcely helpful insofar as limited funds are concerned. There is clearly a need to prioritize those interests in order to recalibrate force requirements, which enables the optimal allocation of scarce resources.
Despite the recent South China Sea flare-ups, which led Jakarta to embark on a military buildup in the Natuna Islands in preparation for high-intensity operations, it is more evident that low-intensity scenarios involving non-state actors appear more conceivable – a “clear and present threat” so to speak. As such, a hi/lo-lo/hi dual-configuration for the envisaged TNI-AL force composition could be one possible solution.
Less on the Heavies
The hi/lo configuration applies to the Combat Strike Group, for which 10-12 submarines and 56 frigates and corvettes would seem ambitious. The proposed recalibration envisages a reduction in the numbers of larger high-capability platforms – the frigates and corvettes – while increasing the proportion of missile-armed fast attack craft, which are comparatively cheaper and simpler to construct in larger numbers.
This approach leverages on the niche strengths of Indonesia’s domestic industrial base, which has so far produced the KCR40/60-series fast attack craft for the TNI-AL as well as making notable strides in developing combat systems. In fact, the KCR40-60-series has been one of the major areas experiencing rapid growth during Renstra I, with up to 18 units in all being commissioned or in various stages of construction and trials since 2011.
The end state of this recalibration may be a smaller fleet of frigates and corvettes, which serve as flotilla leaders and key command and control nodes for combat strike task forces in times of war. They may also conduct defense diplomacy missions, such as the TNI-AL’s regular contribution to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
A ‘PKR-Minus’ Solution?
The proposed lo/hi configuration would suit the Patrol Group. There may be a need to recalibrate the MEF targets by reducing the envisaged 110 vessels in the Combat Strike Group in order to ramp up the Patrol Group from the 66 vessels originally planned. The indigenous 250-ton PC-43 fast patrol craft is intended to form the Patrol Group’s mainstay. However, its size confines it to inshore and coastal missions, leaving it less suited for sustained operations in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
Offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) optimized for EEZ duties may be worth considering. Such vessels need not be technically complex, but should possess the requisite seakeeping and loitering characteristics. They are cheaper than combat-configured frigates and corvettes, and can be equipped with no heavier than a medium-caliber gun for credible deterrence against non-state actors.
With that, a potential solution may be to scale down the initial technical requirements for the frigates and corvettes, assuming the retention of the envisaged force size of 56 vessels. This “PKR-minus” configuration envisages a common SIGMA-105 hull outfitted first as an OPV for potential future scaling up to its full warfighting potential. In any case, the hull is usually one of the cheapest warship components. Most of the high costs originates from the combat systems and integration work. This is not an uncommon approach.
Consider the Polish Navy, which converted the sole Project-621 Gawron II (modified German MEKO A100) ship from its original multi-purpose corvette configuration into an OPV, following over a decade of delays. While fitting it out as a multipurpose corvette would cost another PLN1 billion ($266 million), reconfiguring it as an OPV costs just PLN250 million instead. The ship, the ORP Slazak, was eventually launched in July 2015, something that would have not been possible if the Polish Navy had insisted on sticking to its original configuration.
Austere Times Ahead
Indeed, even discounting the alutsista, meeting MEF targets will invariably require investments in several other areas, such as the potential increase in crewing requirements to ensure a round-the-clock naval presence. This certainly goes against the grain of the “zero-growth” manpower policy described in existing defense plans.
Not only that, increased investment in human capital is needed to raise the quality of TNI-AL personnel to a level able to cope with a multitude of complex challenges. Moeldoko once cautioned about the long-term sustainability of increasing remuneration and base salaries of military personnel. This is not to forget the need to invest in the logistics for sustained operations. In particular, whether the problem of fuel shortages (just 27 percent of the required amount allotted to the TNI-AL as reported in November 2014) will be resolved remains to be seen.
Coping with multiple competing needs will be a tough challenge for the TNI-AL. There is simply too much to do and insufficient wherewithal available. Purchasing assets in itself is not an adequate solution, given that naval capacity-building remains a holistic undertaking. With the 2024 timeline in mind, some innovation and creativity will be needed if the TNI-AL is to secure Indonesia’s maritime interests in a time geopolitical and fiscal uncertainty. Recalibrating the MEF force goals may be the best way forward.
Koh Swee Lean Collin is an associate research fellow at the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, a constituent unit of the S. Rajaratnam School of international Studies, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He primarily researches naval modernization in Southeast Asia.

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Luhut Pandjaitan tampik pembentukan BCN dibantu CIA

Luhut Pandjaitan tampik pembentukan BCN dibantu CIA
Gambar menunjukkan lobi Gedung Kantor Pusat CIA, di McLean, Langley, Virginia, Amerika Serikat, dalam arsip foto 14 Agustus 2008. Sempat beredar isu CIA dilibatkan dalam pembentukan Badan Cyber Nasional, yang kemudian dibantah pemerintah. (REUTERS/Larry Downing/Files)
... diisukan bakal mampu menyedot pembicaraan pribadi di aplikasi WhatsApp, BlackBerrry Messenger, dan program jejaring sosial lain...
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan/Kepala Kantor Staf Kepresidenan, Luhut Pandjaitan, menampik isu yang mengatakan pembentukan Badan Cyber Nasional dibantu CIA.

Pandjaitan menyatakan itu di Gedung Bina Graha, Kompleks Istana, Minggu, menanggapi isu tidak benar Indonesia akan bekerja sama dengan Amerika Serikat membuat sistem keamanan siber (cyber), mengawasi arus komunikasi warga lewat sistem Big Data, demikian dikutip dalam laman Kepala Kantor Staf Kepresidenan.

Sistem itu diisukan bakal mampu menyedot pembicaraan pribadi di aplikasi WhatsApp, BlackBerrry Messenger, dan program jejaring sosial lain.

Purnawirawan jenderal TNI AD itu menegaskan, pembentukan badan siber untuk memperkuat sektor pertahanan dan bidang sektor strategis non pertahanan. Penguatan teknologi siber ini dimaksudkan untuk memperkuat kedaulatan bangsa.

"Sistem siber yang akan dibentuk bukan malah untuk memata-matai warga negara sendiri," kata Pandjaitan.

Dia mengatakan bakal menggandeng berbagai lembaga informasi pemerintah, semisal Lembaga Sandi Negara, deputi siber di berbagai kementerian lembaga, serta Kementerian Komunikasi dan informatika, bergabung.

"Juga pakar teknologi informatika di Indonesia untuk turut mengabdi," ujar dia. Sehingga, gerak pemerintah di bidang teknologi informasi akan lebih padu dan seirama.

Dia juga sadar masing-masing lembaga dan perusahaan pemerintah telah memiliki sistem pengamanan siber. Sistem itu bakal tetap berjalan di tiap lembaga, namun badan siber yang terintegrasi ini tetap dibutuhkan untuk kepentingan lebih luas.

"Justru, pembangunan siber sekuriti nasional ini dimaksudkan menangkis serangan, khususnya dari luar yang bisa memperlemah bangsa," kata Pandjaitan.

Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika, Rudiantara, mengatakan pembuatan sistem pertahanan dan keamanan siber sudah mendesak.

Setiap hari, dari pengamatan Kementerian Pertahanan secara aktual, pertahanan siber Indonesia kerap diserang. Indonesia, kata dia, juga menjadi tempat transit masyarakat luar negeri yang melakukan transaksi ilegal. "Kita harus segera meresponnya dengan mengembangkan pertahanan cyber dalam negeri," kata Rudiantara.