Potensi ancaman bagi Indonesia dalam keutuhan wilayah NKRI,
pencaplokan sumberdaya Indonesia dan penyerangan moral masyarakat
Indonesia agar tetap dalam cengkraman asing sering kita diskusikan dalam
tulisan tulisan saya terdahulu.
Kali ini kita mengupas bagaimana Potensi ancaman Indonesia bila
dilihat dari sudut militer, konflik LCS dan perebutan pengaruh dan
kepentingan asing terhadap geopolitik kawasan dalam perebutan sumberdaya
Dengan beruntunnya gesekan antara Indonesia dan Australia semakin
menyadarkan kita bahwa potensi ancaman di sekitar wilayah Indonesia
sangatlah besar. Dengan terungkapnya skandal penyadapan dan disambung
insiden masuknya 3 kapal RAN ke wilayah teritori Indonesia adalah
sebagai “Wake up Call” agar kita tidak menyepelekan segala potensi
ancaman yang ada.
Potensi Ketegangan LCS
Ketegangan dan memanasnya kondisi Laut China Selatan -yang dimulai dengan perebutan kepulauan Spratly yang kaya sumber daya alam,- antara negara negara Asean, Amerika Serikat dan RRC mau tidak mau membuat kita bersiaga akan segala dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan oleh ketegangan LCS bila sampai pecah.
Ketegangan dan memanasnya kondisi Laut China Selatan -yang dimulai dengan perebutan kepulauan Spratly yang kaya sumber daya alam,- antara negara negara Asean, Amerika Serikat dan RRC mau tidak mau membuat kita bersiaga akan segala dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan oleh ketegangan LCS bila sampai pecah.
Amerika serikat yang tidak ingin hegemoninya di pasifik terancam
dengan bangkitnya China menajadi negara super power baru, membuat
langkah dan taktik baru politik luar negerinya di pasifik. Sudah banyak
berita yang mengabarkan bagaimana 60 persen kekuatan militer Amerika
Serikat akan digeser dan ditumpuk di kawasan pasifik.
Bagaimana dengan posisi Indonesia di mata pihak pihak yang berseteru di LCS?
Potensi Ancaman China
Pihak china akan senang bila Indonesia mempertahankan politik Bebas dan aktif, Non Block dan Zero Enemy, itu bisa dilihat bagaiman reaksi China dengan peta lidah naganya yang tidak mencaplok Natuna dalam klaimnya, dan China berusaha mendekati terus gadis cantik Indonesia agar tidak jatuh dalam pelukan barat dan berbalik memusuhi china.
Pihak china akan senang bila Indonesia mempertahankan politik Bebas dan aktif, Non Block dan Zero Enemy, itu bisa dilihat bagaiman reaksi China dengan peta lidah naganya yang tidak mencaplok Natuna dalam klaimnya, dan China berusaha mendekati terus gadis cantik Indonesia agar tidak jatuh dalam pelukan barat dan berbalik memusuhi china.
China bahkan menginginkan Timor Leste menjadi pangkalan militernya
dengan imbalan ekonomi kepada negeri sempalan NKRI yang baru merdeka
tersebut. Untungnya Timor leste mempertimbangkan perasaan Indonesia bila
ada pengkalan militer china di wilyahnya.
KONON dengan halus Pemerintah Timor Leste menganjurkan China untuk
terlebih dahulu meminta RESTU dari Indonesia dulu bila harus membuka
pangkalan militer di wilayah Timor Leste.
China juga tidak diam saja mempengaruhi Indonesia dan MENGINTIP
bagaimana sejatinya sikap Indonesia ke depan berkaitan dengan ketegangan
di LCS.
Banyak iming iming TOT dan kerjasama militer dan paket bantuan
ditawarkan China kepada Indonesia sebagai pemanasan bujukan agar
keterpihakan Indonesia jelas kepada China dan mereka tetap melancarkan
misi spionase ke segala aspek untuk mengintip bagaimana ke depan sikap
Indonesia terhadap LCS dan kelanjutan pengolahan sumber daya alam yang
dioperatori oleh negara tersebut.
Produk bersama dan TOT rudal C 705 dan hibah radar maritim adalah
perwujudan pemanasan bujukan dan rayuan China terhadap dukungan
Indonesia dan akan banyak tawaran yang menggiurkan bila Indonesia mau
menjadi proxy China.
Proxy China di negara negara Asean seperti Laos dan Kamboja tidak ada
artinya bila dibandingkan dengan Indonesia yang mau bergabung dengan
China. Akan timbul block yang dahsyat bila negara berpenduduk terbanyak
di dunia digabungkan dengan negara terbesar ke empat penduduknya di
Tidak menutup kemungkinan suatu saat China mengklaim Natuna masuk wilayah yang akan dicaploknya.
Potensi Ancaman Amerika dan Australia
Ada ANALISA yang menyebutkan bahwa Amerika Serikat membiarkan Filipina yang lemah militernya untuk dijadikan umpan diinvasi China dalam ekspansi perebutan Pulau Spratly di Laut China Selatan, dan AS dengan aliansinya akan menggebuk bersama china berlindung dengan putusan dari PBB.
Ada ANALISA yang menyebutkan bahwa Amerika Serikat membiarkan Filipina yang lemah militernya untuk dijadikan umpan diinvasi China dalam ekspansi perebutan Pulau Spratly di Laut China Selatan, dan AS dengan aliansinya akan menggebuk bersama china berlindung dengan putusan dari PBB.
TETAPI menurut AS akan lebih hemat dan efisien bahkan revolusioner
bila Indonesia yang mau mengahadapi China dan menghadang ekspansi china.
Indonesia bila dijadikan proxy oleh Amerika Serikat maka pihak barat
akan mendapatkan suatu negara yang MUMPUNI dalam menghadapi china.
Indonesia adalah negara nomer empat terbesar penduduknya di dunia,
mempunyai sumberdaya manusia yang besar, mempunyai sumber alam yang
besar, mempunyai rakyat dengan jiwa militansi yang tinggi, dan Indonesia
mempunyai sitim pertahanan SISHANTA dan pengalaman perang dengan negara
negara barat. Dan yang paling penting GEOPOLITIK Indonesia sangatlah
strategis yang diperkirakan sanggup menghadang China.
Hal hal tersebut di atas tidak dimiliki oleh Sekutu Sekutu Barat yang
bertebaran di Asia Tenggara dan pasifik, baik itu oleh Singapura,
Malaysia, Thailand, Filipina, Vietnam bahkan Australia dan New Zealand
Amerika Serikat lebih percaya SUMBER DAYA Indonesia yang mampu menghadapi kebesaran China.
Bila saja Indonesia mau dan bersedia dijadikan proxy maka tak heran
bila Indonesia menginginkan segala teknologi militer tercanggih dari
barat pun akan diberikan.
Kalau kita mau TERIKAT dan bersedia “treaty” dengan segala tetek
bengek yang MENGIKAT maka AS akan memperkuat otot otot TNI dengan cepat
untuk mengahadapi china.
Mereka akan segera mengirimkan F-16 block 52 dan F-35 dengan jumlah yang nggilani (besar).
Untuk sekarang saja bagaimana mereka menawarkan dan memberikan
teknologi Apache Guardian terbaru bahkan Singapura saja belum dikasih,
juga alutsista lainnya seperti Javelin, Chinock, Blackhawk eks
Afaganistan, F-16 Hibah dan sempat menawarkan fregat OHP class.
Konon ada tawaran terakhir berupa 38 unit F/A-18C/D Hornet hibah eks
USMC ditambah 6 unit E-2C Hawkeye eks USN dengan paket lengkap plus
retrofit dan tetek bengek lainnya. Bahkan, kalau paket F/A 18 hibah ini
diambil, akan dikasih gratisan CH-46 Sea Knight dan SH-3 Viking, namun
sampai sekarang tawaran ini belum kita respon positif.
Itu semua adalah PEMANASAN agar kita tetap melihat Barat sebagai
Sekutu wealaupun tidak utama dan agar kita tidak berpaling ke Block
Timur dan memihak kepada China,
Indonesia ibarat pemuda muda yang lugu di tengah godaan setan
penguras SDA yang menjanjikan kenikmatan duniawi untuk kenikmatan
Semoga pemimpin kita sekarang dan yang akan datang KUAT IMANnya
dengan segala pemanasan, rayuan ringan sampai rayuan berat AS dan yang
MENGGIURKAN tetapi akan sangat MEMATIKAN ke depannya bagi bangsa ini.
Sikap TERBAIK Indonesia adalah tetap NON BLOCK dan TIDAK MEMIHAK
kesalah satu pihak yang berseteru di LCS tetapi tetap AKTIF untuk
menyuarakan perlunya penyelesaian konflik secara damai dan berjalan di
jalur diplomasi.
Sambil tetap MENGUATKAN otot sendiri dengan jalan yang BENAR
diantaranya membeli alutsista dari berbagai block baik itu dari Amerika
Serikat, Rusia, Eropa, Asia dan Amerika Latin.
Penguatan otot sendiri adalah kebutuhan untuk menjaga kekuatan
“critical element of combat-ready forces”. Kita tidak Ingin pemuda lugu
ini dipaksa pecahkan karang dengan lemah jari tergumpal. Tetapi pemuda
lugu yang BEROTOT dengan iman yang indah, cerdik dan BERUNTUNG,
diberuntungkan oleh Tuhannya karena kedekatan dengan-Nya. Pemuda lugu
ini perlu dibekali dengan mempunyai doa tolak setan penggoda dan pusaka
tundung setan (pusaka yang bisa MENUNDUKkan setan jenis manapun)
Coba kita buka apa saja potensi ancaman yang mengililingi teritorial Indonesia:
Pangkalan Rahasia Militer Australia:
AUSTRALIA’s most secret sites are hidden well away from prying eyes, usually far from major population areas. But no one escapes the all-seeing eye of Google Google.
AUSTRALIA’s most secret sites are hidden well away from prying eyes, usually far from major population areas. But no one escapes the all-seeing eye of Google Google.
One of the world’s biggest spy bases is located in the middle of Australia at Pine Gap, NT. (Google Earth Source: Supplied)
As Australian and British foreign and defence officials meet in Perth
today to discuss stronger military ties, here’s our virtual tour of
Australia’s most secret military and government sites.
One of the world’s biggest spy bases is located in the middle of Australia at Pine Gap, NT. (Google Earth Source: Supplied)
ASIO, ACT (Spy Agency HQ)
The new Australian Security Intelligence Organisation HQ in Canberra will house Australia’s national security service, responsible for protecting us from espionage, sabotage, attacks on the Australian defence system and terrorism. ASIO officers have similar powers to the UK’s Security Service (M15), and do not carry guns.
The new Australian Security Intelligence Organisation HQ in Canberra will house Australia’s national security service, responsible for protecting us from espionage, sabotage, attacks on the Australian defence system and terrorism. ASIO officers have similar powers to the UK’s Security Service (M15), and do not carry guns.
Campbell Barracks, WA (SAS HQ)
Located in suburban Perth, the low-key army base in Swanbourne, has been the base of the Australian Special Air Service (SAS) since the Regiment was established in 1957. Most training takes place at Bindoon army base, northeast of Perth, which includes live-fire ranges, training areas and an SAS mock-up area with ‘embassy’ building and sniper towers.
Located in suburban Perth, the low-key army base in Swanbourne, has been the base of the Australian Special Air Service (SAS) since the Regiment was established in 1957. Most training takes place at Bindoon army base, northeast of Perth, which includes live-fire ranges, training areas and an SAS mock-up area with ‘embassy’ building and sniper towers.
Christmas Island, Indian Ocean (Detention Centre)
Home to 1500 Australian citizens, mostly of Chinese ethnicity, Christmas Island was a thriving phosphate producer before transfer to Australian sovereignty in 1957. Since the MV Tampa controversy in 2001, the island has been the primary goal of asylum seekers attempting to enter Australia. Opened in 2006, the Immigration Detention Centre contains approximately 800 beds, and cost $400m, double the estimated budget
Home to 1500 Australian citizens, mostly of Chinese ethnicity, Christmas Island was a thriving phosphate producer before transfer to Australian sovereignty in 1957. Since the MV Tampa controversy in 2001, the island has been the primary goal of asylum seekers attempting to enter Australia. Opened in 2006, the Immigration Detention Centre contains approximately 800 beds, and cost $400m, double the estimated budget
Kojarena, WA (defence satellite station)
The Australian Defence Satellite Communications Ground Station is located at Kojarena, 30 km east of Geraldton. It is operated by the ADF Defence Signals Division, and houses five radomes and eight satellite antennas linked to a worldwide satellite communication signals interception system that is mainly operated by the US and UK.
The Australian Defence Satellite Communications Ground Station is located at Kojarena, 30 km east of Geraldton. It is operated by the ADF Defence Signals Division, and houses five radomes and eight satellite antennas linked to a worldwide satellite communication signals interception system that is mainly operated by the US and UK.
Maralinga, SA (Nuclear Test Site)
The ancient home of the Maralinga Tjarutja indigenous people, Maralinga was the site of seven secret British nuclear tests in the 1950s, with four fission bomb tests followed by three tests of triggering mechanisms. A Royal Commission in 1985 identified significant contamination at the site. Native title was handed back to the traditional owners in January 1987 and efforts were made to clean up the site before resettling the land in 1995.
The ancient home of the Maralinga Tjarutja indigenous people, Maralinga was the site of seven secret British nuclear tests in the 1950s, with four fission bomb tests followed by three tests of triggering mechanisms. A Royal Commission in 1985 identified significant contamination at the site. Native title was handed back to the traditional owners in January 1987 and efforts were made to clean up the site before resettling the land in 1995.
Nauru, Pacific Ocean (Detention Centre)
Originally opened in 2001 to take people rescued by the MV Tampa, the detention centre on the tiny island of Nauru was built to house 1200 asylum seekers in return for a pledge of $30m in development funds. Closed by Kevin Rudd in December 2007, the camp was reopened by the Gillard government in August 2012 to process record numbers of asylum seekers arriving by boat.
Originally opened in 2001 to take people rescued by the MV Tampa, the detention centre on the tiny island of Nauru was built to house 1200 asylum seekers in return for a pledge of $30m in development funds. Closed by Kevin Rudd in December 2007, the camp was reopened by the Gillard government in August 2012 to process record numbers of asylum seekers arriving by boat.
North West Cape, WA (US Naval Signals)
Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt is located 6km north of Exmouth, which was built to provide support to the base and house dependent families of US Navy personnel. The base provides very low frequency (VLF) radio transmission to US and Royal Australian Navy ships and submarines in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and is the most powerful transmission station in the Southern Hemisphere
Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt is located 6km north of Exmouth, which was built to provide support to the base and house dependent families of US Navy personnel. The base provides very low frequency (VLF) radio transmission to US and Royal Australian Navy ships and submarines in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and is the most powerful transmission station in the Southern Hemisphere
Nurrungar, SA (Ballistic Missile Control)
Located on the edge of Island Lagoon, approximately 15 km south of Woomera, Nurrungar was run by the ADF and the US Air Force from 1969 to 1999. It provided early detection of missile launches and nuclear detonations via US satellites in geostationary orbits. Operations moved to Pine Gap in 1999. Today the ADF uses the site for army tests
Located on the edge of Island Lagoon, approximately 15 km south of Woomera, Nurrungar was run by the ADF and the US Air Force from 1969 to 1999. It provided early detection of missile launches and nuclear detonations via US satellites in geostationary orbits. Operations moved to Pine Gap in 1999. Today the ADF uses the site for army tests
Pine Gap, NT (US Listening Post)
Probably the best known secret installation in Australia, Pine Gap near Alice Springs is one of the biggest ECHELON signals intelligence facilities in the world, with an estimated 1000 employees. A former US National Security employee who worked at Pine Gap has claimed that the facility is run by the CIA. Pine Gap controls American spy satellites as they fly over China, North Korea, Afghanistan and the Middle East.
Probably the best known secret installation in Australia, Pine Gap near Alice Springs is one of the biggest ECHELON signals intelligence facilities in the world, with an estimated 1000 employees. A former US National Security employee who worked at Pine Gap has claimed that the facility is run by the CIA. Pine Gap controls American spy satellites as they fly over China, North Korea, Afghanistan and the Middle East.
Swan Island, VIC (Special Forces)
The Department of Defence does not discuss what goes on at Swan Island, and information on the facility is not found on any government website. It is believed that Australia’s Special Forces carry out counter terrorism training here on a base shared with the Secret Intelligence Service
The Department of Defence does not discuss what goes on at Swan Island, and information on the facility is not found on any government website. It is believed that Australia’s Special Forces carry out counter terrorism training here on a base shared with the Secret Intelligence Service
Scherger, QLD (Detention Centre)
Villawood and Darwin are well known immigration detention centres, but did you know that up to 600 asylum seekers at any one time are housed at a facility at RAAF Scherger in Far North Queensland? One of three ‘bare bases’ in the tropics run by skeleton crews, Scherger is set up to house 1400 personnel and 40 aircraft if Australia ever gets into a shooting war with one of our northern neighbours.
Villawood and Darwin are well known immigration detention centres, but did you know that up to 600 asylum seekers at any one time are housed at a facility at RAAF Scherger in Far North Queensland? One of three ‘bare bases’ in the tropics run by skeleton crews, Scherger is set up to house 1400 personnel and 40 aircraft if Australia ever gets into a shooting war with one of our northern neighbours.
Symonston, ACT (Government Panic Room)
Protected by heavy gates, security fences and an array of CCTV cameras on a nondescript Canberra industrial estate, the main purpose of the classified facility at Symonston is believed to be to provide an alternative communications facility for the Australian government. Under the so-called “Plan Mercator”, this is where the Prime Minister, Governor-General and advisers would be whisked to in the event of a terrorist attack or threat against Parliament House.
Protected by heavy gates, security fences and an array of CCTV cameras on a nondescript Canberra industrial estate, the main purpose of the classified facility at Symonston is believed to be to provide an alternative communications facility for the Australian government. Under the so-called “Plan Mercator”, this is where the Prime Minister, Governor-General and advisers would be whisked to in the event of a terrorist attack or threat against Parliament House.
TINDAL, NT (Fast jets, Stealth bombers)
Located near Katherine in the NT, RAAF Tindal houses the RAAF’s fast jets outside the cyclone zone at a site easy to defend against external attack. A key launching point for the Australian-led intervention in East Timor in 1999, the base is also rumoured to host US stealth spy planes.
Located near Katherine in the NT, RAAF Tindal houses the RAAF’s fast jets outside the cyclone zone at a site easy to defend against external attack. A key launching point for the Australian-led intervention in East Timor in 1999, the base is also rumoured to host US stealth spy planes.
Woomera, SA (Weapons Tests, Drones)
The Woomera Test Range in South Australia is a large weapons testing range operated by the RAAF, 500km northwest of Adelaide. A prohibited area off-limits to the public, the range was set up by Britain and Australia in 1946 and was the site for seven nuclear tests between 1955 and 1963 as well as tests for a wide range of conventional weapons before the Australian-Anglo joint project ended in 1980. After a long period when it was effectively abandoned, the range is currently used for ADF trials and leased to foreign militaries.
The Woomera Test Range in South Australia is a large weapons testing range operated by the RAAF, 500km northwest of Adelaide. A prohibited area off-limits to the public, the range was set up by Britain and Australia in 1946 and was the site for seven nuclear tests between 1955 and 1963 as well as tests for a wide range of conventional weapons before the Australian-Anglo joint project ended in 1980. After a long period when it was effectively abandoned, the range is currently used for ADF trials and leased to foreign militaries.
British stealth drone bomber Taranis, undergoing testing in the Australian outback in early-2013.
British stealth drone bomber Taranis, undergoing testing in the Australian outback in early-2013. (photo: BAE)
Woomera is the most likely test site for new British stealth drone
Taranis, which will be conducting outback test flights in early 2013. At
its peak the range covered 270,000 square km. Today it covers 127,000
square km, and remains the world’s largest weapons test range. (by: Satrio)
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